PROFILE NAME. The name that will appear in the list of profiles, as shown in the section above.
SERVER TYPE. Choose either MySQL or Microsoft SQL.
SERVER ADDRESS/PORT. The URL or IP Address that MCS can access the SQL database on. If a custom port is required, enter this, too.
USERNAME & PASSWORD. The SQL database will require a username and password for access. Enter those details here.
DATABASE NAME. This name MUST MATCH the name of the database chosen when setting up the SQL database.
RUN AUTOMATICALLY. When checked all tests that post results to this MSC will also use this profile, should the test type match.
SSL. If the SQL server chosen requires an SSL connection then check this option.
A list of VALID VARIABLES can be found by clicking EXPAND ALL FIELDS as shown on the right in the blue box.
For MCS SQL Statement format and SQL table creation examples click here.