Download from here, then untar the myconnectionsvr.tar file in a fresh directory.
(If you are familiar with 'rpm' you could download myconnectionsvr.rpm instead.
If you have chosen the rpm file, you can install with 'rpm -i ')
With either the tar file or the rpm file, the configure script should be run. Run the script on Linux with:-
and on Solaris or FreeBSD
The script will ask what directory you want to install MyConnection Server into. The script will then look for and test each installed Java JVM. The first JVM that passes the test will be used. If one is not found in the /usr and /opt directory structure, you will be advised on how to obtain one.
The script will then test if there is only one ip-address the availability of port 80. If it is free that ipaddress port combination is used. If there is more than one ipaddress the script will present a list. Port 80 of the chosen address is tested, and if free it is used otherwise the user is asked to provide a port number to use, which is then again tested for availability. If that port is found to be used, the loop of question of ip-address and port is asked again until the ipaddress port is free.
For those hosts that have 'chkconfig' the script will ask if you want to install MyConnection Server as a system service, so that it is started at machine boot.
Finally the script will start MyConnection Server from the chosen install directory, and after a short delay of post installation configuration, the running process will tell you that you can browse to the chosen ipaddress:port.