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FTP Monitoring Test


Sub section menu:

The Monitoring tests are found in the MONITORING TAB in the MCS main menu, as shown on the right.

To add a new FTP TEST click the ADD TASK LINK.

Add Monitoring Task

The FTP tests regularly monitors performance of the FTP file transfers to/from a server.

The options here are mostly straightforward. Some are explained below.


ACTIVE: "Active" mode is how FTP originally worked, and it is still supported (and occasionally required) by many servers. In active mode, the control connection is made from the FTP client but all data connections are made from the FTP server to the FTP client.

PASSIVE: In "passive" mode, both control and data connections are made from your FTP client to the FTP server.

RTT TESTS: Round Trip Time tests are used to gauge the distance between MCS and the FTP Server.

Custom Thresholds

This section is only used if the user wishes to alter the default thresholds.

The default settings are shown in brackets for each parameter.

This will not affect the global thresholds for other tests, they will be unique values for this test.

Click ADD FTP TASK to save changes.



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