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Capacity Test Configuration

The test configuration options are available when creating a custom test.

Perform Download Capacity: Select this option if you want to test the connection from server to client (i.e. download to the client)

Perform upload Capacity: Select this option if you want to test the connection from client to server (i.e. upload from the client)

Test packet size: This parameter defines the packet size to be used during the test which is specified in Bytes (not bits). The number of packets per second will be defined by the parameter which defines the initial bandwidth payload.

Initial downstream bandwidth: This parameter defines the payload that the capacity test will start at. In the example 1500 Kilobytes is 12 megabits per second (12Mbps). The Capacity test will start at this payload level and then increase if there is no loss reported. The test will terminate when the loss point remains constant, thus reporting the highest UDP packet rate achievable.

Delay before upstream test: This parameter defines the delay between completing the download test and starting the upload test. In the example 5000 milliseconds is being set so the test engine will wait 5 seconds before starting the upload test.

Initial upstream bandwidth: This parameter defines the payload that the capacity test will start at. The Capacity test will start at this payload level and then increase if there is no loss reported. The test will terminate when the loss point remains constant, thus reporting the highest UDP packet rate achievable.

Final test duration: This parameter defines the final test length when the UDP loss point is discovered. The final test then reports the throughput bandwidth excluding any final lost packets. In other words how much data survived the test.

Test confirmations: Number of retries to confirm the max streaming rate. Increase this (to max 10) if you have a connection prone to random pack loss.

Packet Loss Settle Time: Time to wait (milliseconds) after observing packet loss.

Packet loss 'zero rate': Packet loss below this rate will be ignored

Significant packet loss rate: Threshold above which packet loss is considered definitely not transient.

Overrun Percentage: The threshold above which the network buffering if affecting the test.


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