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You are here:   Visualware >   MyConnection Server >   Support >   Tutorials >   Run a Remote Agent as a service

Run a Remote Agent as a service

Step 1

The option to install a remote agent as a service on the destination machine is chosen during the remote agent creation process.

So to start creating an RA click the create ra link.

Step 2

This is where you decide which test(s) you want the remote agent to run.

This can either be a pre defined test or a custom test.

Step 3

The next step is where you can specify installing as a service.

The first option must be chosen and the resumse testing after reboot option must be checked.

This is what causes the RA to install as a service.

Step 4

The next step is to publish the remote agent so it can be deployed to the server you want to test to.

Remote agent name - Enter a name to help you identify this remote agent. This name will be used throughout MyConnection Server to refer to this agent.

Download URL - You can either choose to serve a web page for customers to download the agent or if you want to serve the page on a third party web site then you can have MyConnection Server create a zip file with all the files needed to do this.

Results Tag - There are three options for tagging results (to make identifying the results in the database easier). The options are either tag all the results from the remote agent with the clients machine name or prompt the user to enter information to be used for tagging, for example their name, or you can choose your own identifier to tag the results.

Once you are done click the submit button to finish.

You will then get a page with a link to the page you have created or the zip file if you chose to publish on a third party server.

When the remote agent is downloaded and started on the destination machine it will automatically install as a service.

How do I uninstall an installed remote agent?


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